We are so excited to be offering Yoga and Pilates at Performance Fitness. Many of you may remember Patti O'Neil from Glenway, she is an established yoga instructor with many years experience and is also a mat pilates certified instructor. She do classes, small group and private sessions.
She will be offering 2 time slots (to start) at Performance Fitness, a morning and evening class. These classes will be smaller groups than you will find at a typical "gym" and much more specific to each participants needs.
If you are interested please contact me at paula.performancefitness@gmail.com & feel free to pass this info along to your friends.

A Personal Training Studio that gets RESULTS! We have the most current equipment and focus on education and learning so that we can offer the best training experience possible to our clients. We have a passion for fitness & health and walk the walk in our own lives. If you want to train with a passion and a focus than come see us at Performance Fitness Studios!
Friday, 30 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Why Should You do Bootcamp with Performance Fittness???
My passion & focus when I am training my clients is to get them RESULTS! My feeling is, that is what they have come to me for and if I am a Fitness Professional & Successful business owner I better give them that.
Over the last 4 months Performance Fitness has expanded from one-on-one or partner training into offering 90min bootcamps, couples Bootcamps & 10 other weekly bootcamp sessions! We are truly blessed
Group workouts have been researched a lot and every time the results are the same; results are awesome, accountability is present, clients stick with the program longer & friendships are developed that last.
If you are interested please e-mail me at paula.performancefitness@gmail.com
Lunch Time: Mon/Wed/Fri -12noon-1pm, starting April 16
Evening/week-end: Tues/Thurs @ 7pm & Sat @ 8am. Starting April 10th
April 90min Bootcamp: Sat April 14th- 9:15-10:45aM $15
Couples Bootcamp: Sat April 14- 5:30-6:30pm, $30/couple
York region employee Bootcamp: Mon/Wed/Fri @ 5pm. Starting April 9
Over the last 4 months Performance Fitness has expanded from one-on-one or partner training into offering 90min bootcamps, couples Bootcamps & 10 other weekly bootcamp sessions! We are truly blessed
Group workouts have been researched a lot and every time the results are the same; results are awesome, accountability is present, clients stick with the program longer & friendships are developed that last.
If you are interested please e-mail me at paula.performancefitness@gmail.com
Lunch Time: Mon/Wed/Fri -12noon-1pm, starting April 16
Evening/week-end: Tues/Thurs @ 7pm & Sat @ 8am. Starting April 10th
April 90min Bootcamp: Sat April 14th- 9:15-10:45aM $15
Couples Bootcamp: Sat April 14- 5:30-6:30pm, $30/couple
York region employee Bootcamp: Mon/Wed/Fri @ 5pm. Starting April 9
Saturday, 24 March 2012
1st Couples Bootcamp TONIGHT!
Tonight is our innogural Couples Bootcamp @ Performance Fitness & I can not wait, most husbands on the other hand probably could....they are nervous! This bootcamp is definitely unique and Performance Fitness Studio is the ONLY location you will find this one-of-a-kind program. Our passion is to promote health & fitness in all aspects of our clients lives, s why not make a date night with exercise, competition, sweat & team work! contact me for more info paula.performancefitness@gmail.com
Tonight is our innogural Couples Bootcamp @ Performance Fitness & I can not wait, most husbands on the other hand probably could....they are nervous! This bootcamp is definitely unique and Performance Fitness Studio is the ONLY location you will find this one-of-a-kind program. Our passion is to promote health & fitness in all aspects of our clients lives, s why not make a date night with exercise, competition, sweat & team work! contact me for more info paula.performancefitness@gmail.com
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Registration Filling Up for Spring Programs!
I'm doing A LOT of planning today for all our spring program starting in April. We have had such a huge interest in our Bootcamps that we are adding to our schedule to accommodate.
We now have:
*Tues/Thurs/Sat (evening/week-end) Bootcamp,
*Mon/Wed/Fri lunch time,
*Mon/Wed/Fri 5pm,
*Couples Bootcamp is already FULL
*Monthly 90min Bootcamps which has launched us into the bootcamps!
If you are interested in any of these please e-mail me ASAP paula.performancefitness@gmail.com
We love meeting new people as well, so bring a friend along! I can't wait to see what this spring/summer brings at Performance Fitness
We now have:
*Tues/Thurs/Sat (evening/week-end) Bootcamp,
*Mon/Wed/Fri lunch time,
*Mon/Wed/Fri 5pm,
*Couples Bootcamp is already FULL
*Monthly 90min Bootcamps which has launched us into the bootcamps!
If you are interested in any of these please e-mail me ASAP paula.performancefitness@gmail.com
We love meeting new people as well, so bring a friend along! I can't wait to see what this spring/summer brings at Performance Fitness
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Outdoor Bootcamps!!
What amazing weather we are having. I took my Bootcamp group outside with the TRX Rip Trainer, agility web, a few weight plates and tubing...we were off to the races! So nice to have a big open space and some fresh air for sure. Looking forward to the spring and summer groups!
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Bootcamp @ Lululemon today!
What a great experience! I got to teach a FREE Performance Fitness Bootcamp today and I loved it! The ladies who came were expecting yoga but they were willing to try what I had and ended up doing REALLY well. Its all about keeping healthy and active in lots of different ways and that's what Lululemon embodies and that is my passion as well so it is a perfect fit! So excited for this partnership with our local store.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
March 90min Bootcamp ROCKED!
At 8:30am this morning we had 16 clients in the Performance Fitness Studio for an awesome one-of-a-kind workout. We combined Kettle Bells and Gliders in a circuit as well as TRX Rip Trainers and BOSU Balls in another. We also had St. Patricks Day Themed Music! Way to go team, you rocked it!
Thanks also to our 4 new Bootcamp participants we got to meet today, looking forward to seeing more of you!
Can't wait for April's Bootcamp. Stay tuned for dates and registration!
Thanks also to our 4 new Bootcamp participants we got to meet today, looking forward to seeing more of you!
Can't wait for April's Bootcamp. Stay tuned for dates and registration!
You Are Beautiful; Believe It!!
You are Beautiful; Believe it!!
How many times a day do you look at another woman and compare yourself to her? How often do you wish you just "had her legs" or "had the time like she does" to workout or “had more money to have a personal trainer?”
I have many female clients and recently I have had many discussions about our images of ourselves and how we are never happy with ourselves. I've seen so many people reach the goals that they have set but they are still not happy. I myself do the same thing and it has been on my mind a lot lately. Why aren’t we happy with ourselves? We are beautiful! We are special, individuals that have been created for a purpose and our families need us. We teach our children without even realizing it -- they see and hear what we say about ourselves and how unhappy we can be because of mere superficial images of ourselves.
One of the biggest and best parts of my job is to show my clients how amazing they are and how far they have come and just how important it is that they are taking time for themselves. I hear repeatedly how their family, husbands specifically, are 100% behind them being active and working out because they see the positive change in their wives. We are happier, more positive and our relationships are deeper when we are confident in who we are as women and individuals.
When you can take time for you and foster a good self-image and know what an amazing person you are inside and out that energy is felt by all those around you. Take some time to find out what makes you happy and what you love about yourself and your life. For me it’s my husband and my 3 beautiful daughters, as well as a passion for my clients and getting more people involved in a revolution in fitness and health. As far as what I love about myself, that takes longer to nail down. I'm happy with my figure and weight but many times I find small things to complain about but my husband always brings me back and I love him for that. Physical activity is not just for adults to gain back control of their lives and prevent or decrease physical health issues. Physical activity has been proven to increase self-esteem, self-image and decrease anxiety and decrease depression.
Many times we get so caught up in busyness of family, work, and programs for kids that we don’t take time for us. Once that happens things tend to head down hill physically and mentally. We need to “find ourselves” again and focus on what we love about us. Once you find what you love about "being you" then dwell on that, make time for yourself. Whether that is working out, yoga, massages, meditation, or many other forms of relaxation. Once you put these practises into place many changes will happen internally and externally. You will be more confident, you will show love easier, you will teach your children to love themselves for who they are and you will also help to balance out hormones internally which then helps us sleep better, have less belly fat, drop weight easier and have a healthy sex drive.
So many amazing changes happen just by focusing on the good in your life and getting back to the basics! You are worth the time, the focus and the results! Try these few easy tips and I promise, you will be smiling from ear-to-ear!
Paula Man
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