Tuesday, 9 July 2013

I learned how important a GOOD breakfast is...through my 4yr old!

Well I have missed you all, it has been a while since my last blog. I trust your summer is going AMAZING now that the heat is here.
My 4yr old has taught me so many things over the last year about how our bodies work and how they respond to what we put in them. Its been said that red heads have very sensitive skin and bodies overall, my 4yr old is the epitome of sensitive. The thing I love about my daughter though is she tells me what she feels like (headache, stomach ache, etc) then when I explain why I don't want her to eat some thing or why she should and relate it to her symptoms she listens and will try it for me.
So for the last 3-4wks she has been complaining of headaches but I couldn't put my finger on why until she told me she didn't have ANY water at daycare of one of the hottest days so far this summer! Dehydration people! So now we have special water bottles for each of my kids that they got to pick out and they are amazing at drinking and refilling them all day!
Secondly, she has been telling me each morning as she eats her breakfast that her tummy hurts but when she touches where it is, its just under her ribs where her intestines and gut are. We are a gluten free house and eat 95% gluten free so i was stumped as to what was causing this. My kids eat oatmeal, toast with peanut butter, eggs, yogurt and berries...lots of variety.
After speaking to a friend who is a Holistic Nutritionist and she made sure i was giving her Vit C, D and suggested magnesium every day for a start. I decided this morning to try something new with her and see how she felt; I gave her a smoothie with almond milk, frozen mango, fresh blueberries, half a banana, hand full of spinach, cinnamon, half scoop of protein powder, tiny bit of agave nectar and 3 ice cubes. First of all she LOVED the taste and secondly there was NO COMPLAINTS of stomach aches, which is something I have heard EVERY MORNING for almost 2 weeks! After she finished the smoothie she then has toast and her multi vitamin. So after breakfast I asked her finally about her tummy and head, she had a HUGE smile and said "Mommy it doesn't hurt!"
So I will keep up with this routine and try to keep a variety in the smoothies but I learned how important it is for our bodies to get the right nutrients at the MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY.
So be aware and choose well tomorrow morning; your body, mind and soul will thank you.

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