Sunday, 8 July 2012

Ontario Milk Regulations- Should we buy organic milk?

Check out the website below as it explains the regulations in Canada against Growth Hormone as well as when a cow gets sick and has to give antibiotics, what happens to its milk while its give the medication. Should we buy organic or are these regulations enough to protect us against excess estrogen and other hormones in our milk?

I might be missing something but it looks like, in Canada at least, we have very tight Dairy Regulations to protect us from ingesting an hormones or antibiotics from the cows. So why should I spend double the price for organic milk when the "regular/traditional" milk is fine?!

Discussions welcome!!


  1. My two cents worth is that the website is biased....the url has "Dairy Goodness" in it. So it wants to portray milk as good. In fact, in most factory farming, the cows are crowded in small pens, get very little outdoor exercise, and NEED antibiotics as the conditions where they are raised are unhealthy and totally unnatural for cows. Plus, what are they feeding them to get them milked 2 to 3 times a day!!?? That seems like a lot more milk than a cow should produce. I'm not sure of the regulations on growth hormone or that they'd be required in dairy farming (its more for making a cow grow quicker for meat from what I've read), but if you don't buy organic you most likely are getting antibiotics. They can also feed them GMO corn and in organic farming the cows diet cannot consist of GMO's. If you google "factory farming" you'll get some info....there's also a book called "Eating Animals" that I think talks a bit about dairy farming (but don't quote me on that!).

    1. The website states that the cows that are fed antibiotics for whatever reason are tested and their milk discarded till no traces of antibiotics are evident then their milk is used again.
      I questioned this site because it isn't specific as far as how much hormones and antibiotics is too much or is there a trace amount allowed and if its over a certain amount is it considered against regulations.
      I agree that they are probably fed GMO foods so that would be a HUGE difference in Organic vs. Traditional Milk.
      Thank-you for your feedback, I appreciate the input and another view on things I may not have thought of.

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