Monday, 11 March 2013

How you ask?!!?

I have so many people ask me "How do you manage 4 kids, your own business and training/doing your own workouts?" So i've decided to adress this "rumor"...LOL
There are totally days that I do not feel like the supermom that I have been called; I have days that i feel like all i have done is yelled at my kids, tried to keep the house tidy/clean but it looks no different than it did that morning and make a good meal that no one wants to eat! Being a mama, whether you have 1 or 7 kids is a VERY tough job BUT I'm sure you would all agree that it is the most rewarding job in the world.
Now as far as how I manage and keep smiling and doing all that i do; EXERCISE IS MY SANITY!!! I'm 100% serious, I need to move and get the blood flowing and endorphins pumping through me and it makes me a happier mama and wife (if you don't believe me ask my husband! LOL)
I also find that fresh air and movement is the key to happier kids! My kids are VERY active, many people have told me little boys are way more "busy" than girls...well those people need to come to my house and meet my girls! There is no sitting still in my house, they dance, jump, run, sing, dance and dance some more. I try and get the kids outside for walks, park, zoo, sledding, etc cause they get fresh air, they run off their energy and it wears them out! LOVE IT!!
The final key to helping me "keep on keeping on" is that I love what i do!!! Whether it is being with my family or working with clients or planning new programs for Performance Fitness... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! You have a choice in your attitude each day, I realise that not everyone loves their job like i do or gets to spend their days which such amazing clients BUT we can choose to find the little things that make us happy everyday. Choose to be the person you want to be no matter what haters come into your path or what loop is thrown your way.
So there it is people, no big secrets to my life, its just loving what I do, Exercise/movement for me and my family and choosing to be "in the moment" and make it good!
Have an awesome Monday and make it great!
More mama craziness to come soon


1 comment:

  1. Hey Paula!
    I had to balance busy with crafty when i ran my childcare biz from home... no matter what they were outside every day, even if walking under umbrellas in the rain to the local free art gallery & library. I am so enjoying getting back into moving for my own sake, not coz I have to get someone else to do it! BTW, i tend to crank loud music when i house clean to help me keep moving!
