Tuesday, 29 October 2013

What's your passion?

So often you hear of people hating their jobs, and it makes life so hard and stressful because we spend so much time at work! I believe that we have all been given special gifts and skills and if we follow our passions and what we LOVE to do, then those skills tend to be used...and you are VERY good at it!
I know its hard because sometimes your passion may be way off what you do for a living but financially you need the job, there may be an opportunity in your workplace to highlight your skills though and doing that would spark up your passion at your workplace.
For example; I have heard of people working for a big corporation at a "desk job" but they have a passion for running or fitness, so they have offered a running group or a zumba class during lunch hour or after work. So no matter where you are or what you do for a living, try and incorporate what you love and you will be SO much happier for it i PROMISE!

If you are one of the lucky ones that gets to do what they love then consider yourself blessed! I get to spend my time at work empowering clients, showing people what they are really capable of, helping clients surpass their goals and burning off the stresses of life and helping get people into a happy frame of mind. Its a very positive environment and full of people who have become friends, not just clients.

Find your passion and follow it!

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