Friday, 13 September 2013

how much does food effect your mood?

This story is my personal experience so take what you will from it but i hope that even one tidbit of my experience will resonate with someone and help you on your way to realising a healthier lifestyle is achievable.

My husband used to tell me that he dreaded when I got pregnant because I was so moody when I was hungry, so it would be 10 times worse if I was carrying a baby! To his credit, I completely agree! I get irritable, cranky and the massive headaches/migraines are the worst case.
My body is very sensitive to foods or lack of food. A lot of it has to do with me learning to listen to my body as well and knowing the signs and symptoms of when I need more protein, water or have had too much processed foods/sugars. If you can pay attention to how you feel after a meal or when you have gone too long without food or if you mainly feed your body processed carbs, you will know what to do.
Here are some tips that I TRY (being the key word) to live by so i don't turn into that crazy person my husband dreads (ha ha ha);

  • always have a 500-750ml water bottle with me
  • keep snacks such as nuts, fruit, boiled eggs & cheese on hand
  • don't go longer than 2-3hrs without eating 
  • balance out my eating to keep blood sugar levels even throughout the day so no blood sugar drops or spikes
  • Start my day off with a jam packed smoothie or granola for breakfast, it sets my body and brain up for a great start
Honestly, just BE PREPARED for your day! Have snacks and water on hand. Plan lunches/meals ahead of time so its quick and easy to grab in the morning.  Make it manageable for you BUT understand that when you start to make this type of eating a way of life, you will feel amazing and won't want to go back to those grumpy cranky days when you didn't have the right food to fuel your body.

Get ready to be in a GOOD MOOD and have energy ALL DAY LONG!

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