30 Day Canadian Transformation
So here is the plan I followed:
- 2 shakes a day (Juice Plus Complete shake- vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free) with whole foods in each one with an almond/coconut milk base, chai seed and flax
- Juice Plus premium capsules (26 organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies/day)
- no wheat
- no dairy
- no sugar
check out www.canadiantransformation.com for all the details, this program was designed by Holistic Nutritionist and Canacer Coach Alisa Herriman.
My Results:
I am a personal trainer and mama of 4 little girls (1-6.5yrs old) and a business owner, I have a VERY busy lifestyle and can find at times, its tough to eat right. I didn't feel like I had much weight to lose BUT i found I would fluctuate at certain times of the month and my energy would drag at times and feel so sluggish. I knew my food was the major factor in that so I decided to do the transformation to kick start my body back into a great routine and healthy habits. I will be honest, there were a few cheat meals BUT 90% of the time I was on the plan and feel amazing! If you are looking for a short but effective way to get rid of evening snacking, sugar cravings, add energy, boost your immune system and reduce inflammation email me.
As you can see from the picture, i was bloated at the beginning of the 30 days and it had been like that for a while now but i didn't have a set plan to get me on track, so when the transformation was brought to me i though, WHY NOT? So i lost 8lbs total, not a lot BUT look at the difference!!!!
I don't tend to post many ab shots of myself but this was needed for you to really get the impact of clean eating especially on the belly, I know that is most of my clients area they want to change the most.
If you want more info please contact me at www.paula.performancefitness@gmail.com. You do NOT have to live near me to follow this program, we can work together via email and phone for support. You CAN do this!!
Don't wait till tomorrow to start your healthy lifestyle, DO IT NOW!!