Saturday, 30 June 2012

The difference between Gluten & Wheat

I have been wheat-free (90%) for the last 2.5months and feel amazing! I have been able to reduce my blood pressure medication, feel more consistent energy throughout the day not a crash at 2pm and don't have the bloating after a meal. My husband has also been on this journey with me and has dropped 10lbs but the biggest change for him is his shape, literally his wheat belly is gone. He is slimmer, more toned, standing up straighter, you can even see it in his face!
Our decision to go wheat free was brought on after i read "The Wheat Belly". It was a very enlightening book and I was disgusted with what is put in our food and still labelled "heart healthy grains"! Anyways, I won't go off on a rant there cause that could take me a long time!
Since I have been on my wheat free diet I have also started seeing a Naturopath and after doing some testing I found out I'm Gluten sensitive. So I'm not allergic to it but my intestines will definitely get inflamed when I eat gluten.
Since I have been told this and have passed this info along to clients and friends, the #1 question I get is "Isn't that the same as wheat?" The answer is NO!

"A gluten free item will always be wheat free, however a wheat free item may not always be gluten free!"
Gluten is a component of wheat.

Wheat is made up ofalbumin, globulin, gliadin, and gluten. The majority of the reactions in a patient that has an allergy to wheat are caused by albumin and globulin.
Gluten on the other hand is an elastic protein that is found in wheat. Gluten is formed when moisture is added to flour. Gluten is commonly found in wheat, rye, barley and some oats. Gluten is what gives yeast based dough its elasticity.

Check out the website below for more info on Gluten-Free vs. Wheat-Free

Eat majority of your diet from fresh foods and read labels very carefully.


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