Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Stop the "FAT TALK"

I was on Daytime York Region last week and it was the first time I have done a sit down chat with the host rather than demonstrating exercises and giving tips. I get to choose the topics we do each month and since 2014 has started I have been re-assessing goals with clients; it has become VERY evident to me, how many people (including myself) FAT TALK.
FAT TALK is when we talk down to ourselves, are rude, degrading and down right awful in what comes into our minds BUT because we aren't saying out loud its OK. Watch this clip and see how women react when those exact things we saying our mind to ourselves are put on signs & labels in a clothing store. It is VERY eye opening and brought tears to my eyes.


In order to be successful in your healthy lifestyle goals, you MUST change how you view yourself...YOU ARE IMPORTANT and YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!

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