Wednesday 24 December 2014

What will 2015 hold for you?

2014 has been another year of business growth at Performance Fitness as well as Personal Growth for myself; I have learned SO much about who I want to be as a person, a mom, a wife and a friend, I have learned how to be a better trainer and coach and  I have learned how to coach on nutrition for even bigger results for my clients.
I'm not a new years resolution type of person BUT i am a person who likes to set goals and have learned to DREAM BIG! I want big things for my business and my family in the next 12 months so I'm going to write it down and get it OUT THERE. Writing it down or telling someone close to you then holds you accountable, what's a goal if no one knows about it? Take that step and tell someone your goal and you will be MUCH more successful at achieving it.

If you want to get fit, lose weight, set personal goals for yourself, eat cleaner or create a better relationship with food then contact me at and i would LOVE to help you.

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