Tuesday 31 December 2013

I'm calling it my 2014 Commitment instead of a resolution

I don't usually make a New Years Resolution, I feel like it's a little anti climactic. If there are goals you have or things you want to change in your life, you don't have to wait for New Years Day to do it. 
With that said, I have made a commitment to myself for 2014 and going forward;
1) dream big...and WRITE them down- this makes it more real and reminds you every time you look at it, what you are working towards
2) be organized- set aside specific time each week for computer work, budgeting, returning emails/calls, planning
3) stop underestimating myself and my business! Realize what I have built & what a blessing it is, cultivate my dream and speak positively into it & allow it to grow without my fears holding it back. 

I don't know what you've been dreaming of or struggling with in 2013 but lay it out there and make it happen; NO MATTER how BIG and impossible it seems, no matter what other people may tell you.... DO IT!!

Happy New Year


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